Q Connector™ Podcast Series

The Q Connector™ Podcast Series brings you insights and updates from across the digital infrastructure industry with special guests hosted by the experts here at Qarbon™ Technologies, sign up for our newsletter now to stay up to date on all the upcoming episodes and much more exciting content!

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All Episodes

July 2, 2024

Q Connector™ Podcast: Episode IV with Schneider Electric

In this fourth podcast from Qarbon Technologies, our host, Omer Wilson, Chief Marketing Officer, along with Robert Davidson, CEO & Founder of Qarbon Tech, welcomed special guest Matthew Baynes, Vice President of Strategic Partners, Cloud & Service Provider Segment at Schneider Electric.The insightful discussion dived deep into the capacity and design impact on global Data Center build-outs from the growing demand from AI workloads. How is the sector changing and what new demands are being placed on DC Operators and end-users alike ? What is the global impact on Energy Usage – what awaits the world's governments and organisations ? The podcast also covered how Data Center operations are evolving to meet the tsunami of global Data demand, especially the ‘ Digitisation’ of Data Center operations. Finally the question was asked of the guests, 'What will the year 2030 look like for Data Centers ?'
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May 8, 2024

Q Connector™ Podcast: Episode III with MEF Forum

In this third webinar from Qarbon Technologies, our host, Omer Wilson, Chief Marketing Officer, along with Robert Davidson, Chief Executive Officer, will engage with Daniel Bar-Lev, VP Strategic Programs of MEF, a global industry association of network, cloud, security, and technology providers, to delve into the evolution of automation within the data center industry. The discussion will be focused on the current state of automation, exploring the potential for developing an automated ecosystem through new de facto automation standards. The feasibility of formalizing these standards within MEF to establish a baseline for industry-wide automation will be analyzed. Additionally, the conversation will highlight the critical importance of standardization in automation, underscoring its role in enhancing efficiency and consistency across the sector. This webinar will provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the data center automation landscape…
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Mar 27, 2024

Q Connector™ Podcast: Episode II with HGC

A discussion around the current state of the global Data Center, Network & Edge ecosystems. What are some of the trends driving the global gaming, content provider and Cloud giants in Asia ? How is AI changing the landscape for digital infrastructure planning across the world and how are end-users adapting to this new reality ? How can API-enabled true automation ensure a more scalable growth for customers and their digital assets…?
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July 12, 2023

Launch Episode of the Qarbon Q Connector™ Podcast

Watch the launch episode of the Qarbon Connector™ Podcast Series, featuring guest speaker Philbert Shih, Managing Director at Structure Research and our very own Robert Davidson, Founder & CEO here at Qarbon Technologies. Joining them in hosting this special launch is Omer M. Wilson, the group CMO for Qarbon Technologies.
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